Friday, 27 February 2009

Shooting Diary (Day 3)


Today we got the safe room Scene done, which was the beginning scene of our video project. We did, however violate a Health and Safety Code by blocking the door with Random Furniture. We got a stern telling off from Chris, our Tutor...but I did say that it would stop us getting out in case the fire alarm went off. So as soon as we were done with it, we cleared the door and carried on filming. We got a decent amont of footage and we took 4 or 5 takes of one specific part of the scene

End of Film Diary Entry

Thursday, 26 February 2009

Shooting Diary (Day 2)


We filmed a shot of Nathan pushing the Lift Button in a panicky fashion so it suggests that he is in a hurry, obviously because me and Nathan are supposed to be being chased by a Zombie...

End of Film Diary Entry

Shooting Diary


We filmed several shots of the stair scene and we did more than one take, like our Teacher suggested. For Saftey Reasons, we couldn't run in the Stairwell or someone could get a serious Injury. We also made sure the camera was out of the way and checked to see if the Stairwell was clear so we didn't bump into someone and hurt them. Also, we put up a sign to let people know we were filming in the Area. Overall, I think that the first day of Filming was quite successful,as this was quite an Important scene, it was a good thing it was filmed early

End Film Diary Entry

PreProduction Work (RISK ASSESSMENT Cont.)

PreProduction Work (RISK ASSESSMENT)

PreProduction Work (SHOOTING SCHEDULE)

PreProduction (STORYBOARD)

PreProduction Work (TREATMENT)


: Nathan, Adesh and Emily (me)

DURATION: 2 minutes

FORMAT: DV (Digital Video)


Obviously people who watch this will have to like this kind of film. (I don’t because I’m easily spooked by Horror films …)


Beginning: Two weeks after Infection (Ask Nathan)
Middle: Random Characters try to get to a safer place … including a chase involving a Zombie
End: One makes it to a lift; the other gets caught by the Zombie …


Adesh – Zombie
Nathan – Bill
Emily - Zoe
Other Random Zombies – Random members of the class