Thursday, 19 March 2009

Evaluating my Contribution to Production


I had to play a huge part in this part of the production because I was the character that was going to end up getting away whilst one of the others wasn't so lucky


I played a very small part in this part of production simply because I didn't say much but I did convince the other people in my group to change the ending to make things easier

Camera Person

I was camera person only once or twice because I was in most of the shots...

Brought Props For...

We didn't have any props ... although other members of the group wanted several props which weren't particularly needed

Noted Continuity For Scene ...

We did end up seeing ourselves in different clothes in certain parts of the filming process and during the editing...which can't really be helped...

Small Evaluation

The whole think looked awful ... although, we changed the setting on the editor to make the clips turn black and white which was Adesh's idea. There are two things I would like to change...

1- The Subject

The subject was a difficult one to do. It involved tons of messing around and difficult-to-film scenes. Another thing I found awkward was the fact that I hate Horror films or Games because they scare me or give me nightmares .I wanted to do a Cops and Robbers Chase because it was a classic chase and it was simple.

2- The Plot

Even though I convinced the other members to have the ending changed, Nathan still found a way to find a difficult-to-film ending... The lift was difficult enough but we had to get Security to block the path so we could film a scene

Overall, In my Honest Opinion, It was the most difficult and Annoying Project I have ever done!

Production Evaluation

Production Evaluation

1- What do you feel is the most important area of learning that you have taken from this assignment? Look at all the production stages and ask your self which areas of this assignment have given you a new way of thinking or approaching you future projects?

I think that the Brainstorming and Discussions were the most important because that is where all of the ideas should come into place and the film can get a Plot, Characters and other many important things that make up a film. But for me, all of this went wrong as the other members of the group didn't seem to want to talk to me. To be honest, it caused boredom and I decided to doodle whenever I could ... until the Tutor came over and told us to carry on with our work

2- From your finished project what parts are you most happy with? With the same level of consideration what areas do you feel you need to improve on?

Simple as that. Really it does. It looks like we had no idea what we were doing half of the time in the footage. Although, we did get assistance from members of another group with our video which was nice of them... but the film still ended up looking awful, unrehersed and very very rushed... it was rushed because on our last day of filming, a lot of the film still wasn't done ... so we had to rush it a bit...

3- How well do you think you and your group worked in achieving all the goals that were set by the assignment brief?

Yes ... and No. We did all the paper work as asked but when it came to filming it was just a lot of arguements ... Once, we argued for 45 Minutes and that was on our last day of filming...I just kept quiet... eventually we did get everything done but it was really hard to do... I found this task very difficult for some reason...

4- What would you change or do differently in the next production?

I think I would like to be in a different group (No offense) because I think a lot of the people don't want me in their group unless they HAVE to accept me... that was the case in my other schools as well ... I was usually left on my own until my Teacher found someone to pair me with ... unless my friends were there...

5- How does your trailer fit with the look and style of a real example that you looked at in research, think about how your trailer looks and how itis editied?

I never saw an example of what we looked at in our film ... we just sat down and got on with it (sort of)

Evaluating my contribution to Planning and PreProduction


I put in a few ideas which would have been a more simple task to film but the boys wanted to do a very complicated subject and I thought it was a bad idea...


I wasn't involved much with the discussions because the other group members didn't talk to me and I thought they didn't want my input


We didn't hold any group meetings outside of the lesson ... I have no idea why. We did have some inside the lesson but they didn't last long. This was because after five or ten minutes, the boys would talk to each other about something irrelevent.


I did most of it myself and I occationally asked the others what we should do next. I made a Pre-Production Sheet and a Recce Sheet! :) . We did end up changing the ending because the origonal was a pain in the ass. We did use the sheets much when filming because we couldn't leave stuff lying around without causing a hazard...

How I thought it Went

I thought the film ended up looking awful. I think that would have been the case no matter what we did with the plot and the darn video itself. To be honest, I think that we would have been better off if we had done a classic Cops and Robbers chase but we ended up doing the same as another group (A Zombie chase sequence). The whole thing ended up looking awful and I think a lot of what we did didn't make any sense and we ended up creating several Health and Safety Hazards, some of which, weren't even on the Risk assesment sheet. Such as blocking a door, which our Tutor spotted (he wasn't happy) and Adesh pilled on top of Nathan even though our Tutor told us not to ...