Thursday, 19 March 2009

Evaluating my contribution to Planning and PreProduction


I put in a few ideas which would have been a more simple task to film but the boys wanted to do a very complicated subject and I thought it was a bad idea...


I wasn't involved much with the discussions because the other group members didn't talk to me and I thought they didn't want my input


We didn't hold any group meetings outside of the lesson ... I have no idea why. We did have some inside the lesson but they didn't last long. This was because after five or ten minutes, the boys would talk to each other about something irrelevent.


I did most of it myself and I occationally asked the others what we should do next. I made a Pre-Production Sheet and a Recce Sheet! :) . We did end up changing the ending because the origonal was a pain in the ass. We did use the sheets much when filming because we couldn't leave stuff lying around without causing a hazard...

How I thought it Went

I thought the film ended up looking awful. I think that would have been the case no matter what we did with the plot and the darn video itself. To be honest, I think that we would have been better off if we had done a classic Cops and Robbers chase but we ended up doing the same as another group (A Zombie chase sequence). The whole thing ended up looking awful and I think a lot of what we did didn't make any sense and we ended up creating several Health and Safety Hazards, some of which, weren't even on the Risk assesment sheet. Such as blocking a door, which our Tutor spotted (he wasn't happy) and Adesh pilled on top of Nathan even though our Tutor told us not to ...

1 comment:

  1. Good Emily, welldone. Can you now go onto the post titled "my contribution to production"
